Barbara Harvey's profile

“I am an empathetic trainer, speaker and coach dedicated to helping adults connect with children in a loving, respectful and joyous way.” BE Harvey Barbara Harvey has been involved in young children since she was 13 years old. She has worked as a Teacher, Trainer, Curriculum Developer, and Leader. Barb's career background is in education she has an undergraduate in Elementary, a Master of Arts in Early Childhood with an emphasis in parenting and is Nationally Certified by Temple University in the Strengthening Family Worker Program. Her teaching background includes teaching First, Fourth Grades, Middle School Science and a College-level Developer/Instructor. For the last seventeen years she has been working in Parent Development. She is currently a business consultant for nonprotis, small and large businesses in creating parent and family-friendly workforce communities. Barbara passionately believes coaching adults to become both authentic and effective parents is her calling. Her life id dedicated to supporting adults to be more effective in parenting in any and every way she can, Her laid back and relaxed style helps participants to learn because they get a chance to think as they listen. Topics: Keynote Speaker Whether you are looking for a speaker to launch your Family-Friendly Business launch, your Children’s ministry training or your Parent Ministry Training conference , Barb Harvey with her 30+ years in working with families and children has a plethora of stories and insights to share with your community. Family-Friendly Business Launch The pandemic has cause us to look to 2021 and see the changes that need to come for business leaders and ther teams. The EEOC in 2020 said that women are the primary working people in the US. LinkedIn has said one of the chief concerns for women in 2021 is to find companies to work for that have and maintain family-friendly policies and programs. Working in the field Miss Harvey can help CEO’s Boards, and others in your community see, understand, and champion the importance of these programs for years to come. The Why of Family-Friendly Business Practices Miss Harvey can share with your eams what is in these programs for them. Wheether it is increasing employee loyalty, creating a culture of teamwork and togetherness, or improving your management teams lead toward leading the team and managing the work she can help motivate your entire team to identify and take on their role in creating a family-friendly business team culture. Children's Ministries Using Child Development to Create a more Appropriate Class Environment- in this presentation Barb combines her love and knowledge of education and ministry to help Children's Ministry Teams develop the skills to develop positive classroom environments. Participants will also learn about how Multiple Intelligence and using a variety of learning styles can support children's learning. Helping Kids take Lessons Learned and Apply to Everyday Living-Barb has developed curriculum around training children to develop a Biblical World View. Teaching them to apply Christian Principles while living in today's world. Children need to see how the Word applies to their lives and how to live it in everyday life. This session includes hands-on and interactive activities. Making Church School Fun and Engaging-Children learn best when able to actively engage in what they are learning. This session helps Children's Ministers and Workers create active and engaging lessons allowing children to explore, engage, and participate. Lessons and activities are designed to teach the principle of loving God and living a Christian World View. Parenting Train a Child in the Way They Should Go- Barb is a firm believer that the old saying “Do what I say and not what I do” does not work and never did. In this session she talks about how important it is for parents not just have a Biblical World View but to live according Deuteronomy 6:6-8. Talking about their faith constantly. Sharing not just the what but the why. Teaching children to develop a real relationship with Christ. Find Your Purpose and Help your Children Find Theirs- Barb is a firm believer that parenting is all about leadership. Leaders can not lead where they have not been. Each person on Earth was sent here by God with a purpose. A large part off pleasing Him is finding, developing and living, our God given purpose. Until adults engage in this process they can not pass this way of life off to their children. The goal of this session is to help parents think through this process and how it can be passed along to the next generation. This session is appropriate for a weekend event. She suggest churches use it as a fund-raising community event. Becoming a Psalms 78:6 Congregation-This session is about creating a Biblical World View for passing on our beliefs to the next generation and those that follow. It is not just important to train up our children in the way they should go. We also need to train them to bring up the next generation in the same way. This only happens when everyone in the congregation is not only accepting of the idea but actively engaged in it. This sessions lays out the path to get there. Early Childhood Quality Childcare Many politicians, news and print media, and spokes people are talking about quality child care. However, most people have no idea what that really means. Barb uses the contents of her book Journey's Through Parenthood Volume One: An Educator Leads you Down the Path to Quality Child Care to train parents, child care providers, business leaders, and other interested community members what quality is and what it takes to achieve and maintain it in a consistent way. Safety Plans in ECE Most states in the South including Georgia do not require that child care centers have a written Disaster Safety Plan. Barb is very passionate about child care centers not only having a written plan but practicing each part of the plan on a regular basis. This session can be seen as being primarily for owners and directors but, safety is a team effort. Owners, directors, and staff need to know that creating and using a Disaster Plan only works when the team works it. The Important of Social/Emotional/Moral Development Many adults fail to recognize the importance of developing a strong sense of self, empathy, peer relationships, and self-control in young children (3-5). In this session Barb discusses developing these areas before children focus on academic learning. Barbara Harvey Speaking History Barbara has been speaking since 1993. Her greatest honor was in 119 when she gave the Keynote Address at Springfield Home Daycare Association Conference. She has primarily done pro bono speaking engagements. However since 2004 she has earned between $7500 and $10,000. Barbara has spoken for the following agencies: Salvation Army (1995,1998, 2001, 2012 & 2013) Atlanta's Concerned Black Clergy (2014) Atlanta Public Schools(2008/2010), Drake House (2008-2011) The Georgia Association for Young Children, (2006-2012) The Gate City Day Nursery Association (2013-Present). She spoken to groups as few as six and as many as 500. Radio Show Interviews Jennifer Perry, WGST (February 2010) Ona Brown, Own Your Dreams Radio Show (May 2014, February 15, 2015) Tom Gagliano, Talks with Tom January 2015 (Pending April 2015) Podcast What does a Doula do? November 2017 Podcast-Parent Talk 2017- Common Sense Parenting James L. Casale 2018 Host and Facilitator of the Bext Parenting Practices Expo 2021 Talk-Show Appearances/News Reports Journeys to Surrender WGMN-TV Middle Georgia February 2019 Moms of Compassion WGNM-TV Middle Georgia April 2019 WXIA Story on MARTA Mobility-2014 Blogging and Guest Blogging Barb has also been a blogger and expert for reporters for several years Believe in Parenting 2013-2019 Email Blast Blogger 2020 Kars4Kids Positive Parenting Defined Parenting Hub Guest Blogger Nanny Blog How to Speak to Children About Death, Getting Kids to Eat Healthy Article Source on Early Childhood Education Lois Collins News source Article Deseret News